DJ Paul Oakendold’s long-running Perfecto Records goes digital with Liam Schachar remix of Leya, “On All My Sunday’s” and Adam White’s reworking of Nat Monday’s “Break & Fall.”
In partnership with Ingrooves, Oakenfold is opening the vault to release tracks digitally that may not have made the cut for vinyl or CD.
“I’m really excited to have theis new face to the label which is going to open the door for a lot of upcoming, talented artists and producers,” said the prolific dance music mogul. He adds, “It feels like we’ve had to much great music locked away for a while and now we have the chance to unleash it.”
Although Perfecto’s foray into digital is a little late in coming, it’s good to see more major independent dance music labels embracing digital formats. No word yet on what services, bit rates or formats will be supported.