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Dance Music Is Just Too Repetitive, Man

Kraftwerk - Moogfest 20014
Kraftwerk performs live at Moogfest 20014

Yes. BAD dance music is too repetitive. We hate repetitive music too. That’s why you listen to the good stuff, like this live set from Kraftwerk at MOOGFEST 2014, and you don’t have to deal with the insanity! It’s really the way to go.

Dig deep. Don’t settle for pots and pans and click tracks! You might even want to learn a little about Electronic Music Production. Take a class at Dubspot in NY, LA or online or do an online semester at Berklee College of Music.

Unless the artist is going for a theatrical or moody effect, it is best to keep moving along. If an artist or DJ plays the same track, the same noises for too long…you raise an eyebrow. What’s going on? Keep it moving! Not in every scenario, of course, but if you just find yourself standing there wondering what they heck the DJ is doing, that may be indicative of a slack DJ set. We hate slack DJ sets and we hate repetitive beats, too. Enough said! Enjoy the electronic music you love!

But, dig deep. Research. Understand the layers and the nuances. Look for artists and songs who push the envelope and don’t just hit you with 4 on the floor for hours on end. This is supposed to be a journey, not a moment lived over and over and over again. You can learn a lot from watching the pioneers.

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