All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
= 2.5.9 = * Fixed: Missing use of prepare method on some database queries * Added: Vulnerability disclosure program link to FAQ * Added: Edit Host/Producer link to admin Show List column
= 2.5.8 = * Fixed: Template display for themes showing excerpts on singular pages * Fixed: Possible next show duplicates current show in Data API * Fixed: Save multiple Show related post values * Fixed: Count bug on Override Archive shortcode * Fixed: Date/time display on Override Archive shortcode * Fixed: Show file Disable Download checkbox saving * Added: Use automatic Embeds on external Show file URLs * Added: Nonce check to notice dismissal AJAX * Changed: Removed player state saving iframe
= 2.5.7 = * Updated: Freemius SDK (2.6.0) * Disabled: Howler Player Script (browser compatibility issues) * Improved: Schedule Engine Weekdate calculations * Fixed: AJAX shortcode/widget loading for current time * Fixed: Widget title display duplication
= 2.5.6 = * Updated: Freemius SDK (2.5.11) * Updated: Plugin Panel (1.3.0) * Added: Filter for query and meta for show post list shortcode * Updated: Language translations file (.pot) * Updated: Bundled Dutch translation * Fixed: check linked override shifts before displaying * Fixed: hide empty widgets to work in AJAX loading mode * Fixed: remove direct usages of date function * Fixed: display of show posts on show page (query) * Fixed: Data API next_show data field * Fixed: minor schedule engine issues * Improved: more consistent sanitization and escaping
= 2.5.5 = * Updated: Freemius SDK (2.5.10) * Added: RSS Posts Feed: Related Show node * Added: RSS Show Feed: Host/Producer node * Fixed: Prefix Block element JS constant to prevent conflict (EventOn) * Fixed: RSS Posts Feed: filter by Show conflict
= 2.5.4 = * Updated: Freemius SDK (2.5.9) * Fixed: Missing player back-compat arguments
= 2.5.3 = * Fixed: Bug in Admin Override Timeslot List
= 2.5.2 = * Fixed: Bug retrieving show data for linked overrides
= 2.5.1 = * Fixed: Widget Countdown Timer Display Bug * Fixed: Pro Player Backwards Compatibility
= 2.5.0 = * Added: Radio Station Blocks! (converted Widgets) * Updated: Freemius SDK (2.5.7) * Updated: Plugin Panel (1.2.9) * Updated: AmplitudeJS (5.3.2) * Updated: Howler (2.2.3) * Updated: Moment JS (2.29.4) with WP Loading * Improved: Refactored Schedule Engine Class * Improved: Redesigned higher resolution player buttons * Improved: Standardized Widget Input Fields * Improved: WordPress Coding Standards * Improved: Sanitization using KSES * Improved: Translation Implementation * Improved: use WP JSON functions for data endpoints * Improved: Schedule Templates to use Classes and Instances * Improved: Tab Schedule default date display on * Improved: use wp_send_json for feed endpoints * Added: Freemius Pricing Page v2 * Added: assign Playlist to a specific Show Shift * Added: Quick Edit of Playlist to assign to Show * Added: Volume Control options to Player widget * Fixed: Countdowns with multiple widget instances * Fixed: Radio Player iOS no volume control detection * Fixed: Mobile detection (via any pointer type) * Fixed: Genre/Language Archive Pagination * Fixed: Adjacent Post Links (where show has one shift) * Fixed: Workaround Amplitude pause event not firing * Fixed: inline scripts when main script in head tag * Security Fix: Escape all debug output content
- Update: Sysend (1.11.1) for Radio Player
- Fixed: missing register REST routes permission_callback argument
- Fixed: added property_exists checks for PHP8 TypeErrors
- Update: Plugin Panel (1.2.2)
- Added: filter plugin icon for Freemius activation screen
- Updated: clear plugin updates transient on activation/deactivation
- Fixed: filter plugin updates to prevent Pro ever overwriting Free
- Changed: plugin options array moved to a separate file
- Fix: remove debug output breaking redirects/data endpoints
- Updated: main language translation file
- Added: list of Pro filters to documentation
- Update: Freemius SDK (2.4.3)
- Updated: documentation links to new demo site address
- Fixed: remove duplicate Related Show box in Post Quick Edit
- Fixed: multiple attributes for automatic pages shortcodes
- Fixed: hide inactive tab shortcode section on tab click
- Fixed: undefined warning for debugshifts
- Fixed: current show in schedule when on exact start second
- Added: filters for time and date separators
- Added: description/excerpt to single show data endpoint
- Fixed: plugin conflicts causing fatal errors
- Improved: clear cache on show/override status transitions
- Fixed: DJ / Host can edit own/others Show permissions
- Fixed: Override link to show dropdown query
- Fixed: Fallback scripts and fallback stream URLs
- Fixed: Radio Clock responsive width display
- Fixed: Collapse descriptions for non-show pages
- Fixed: Deduplicate dates in week (daylight saving fix)
- Update: Plugin Panel (1.2.1) with zero value save and tab fixes
- Added: option to disable player audio fallback scripts
- Added: option to hide various volume controls
- Improved: lazy load player audio fallback scripts
- Improved: added author support to post types for quick edit
- Refix: missing fix to active day tab on pageload
- Fixed: player volume slider background position (cross-browser)
- Fixed: missing title value for adjacent post links
- Fixed: Fallback scripts and fallback stream URLs
- Fixed: Multiple Player instance IDs
- Fixed: Player loading button glow animation
- Added: Enabled Pro Pricing plans page
- Added: Widget type specific classes
- Added: Alternative text positions in Player
- Added: Pause button graphics to Player
- Fixed: Rounded player play button background corner style
- Fixed: Tabbed schedule active day tab on pageload
- Improved: Radio Clock Widget layout
- Added: Radio Stream Player!
- Fixed: Shows archive shortcode with no Shows selected
- Update: Plugin Panel (1.1.8) with Number Step Min/Max fix
- Update: Freemius SDK (2.4.2)
- Improved: Allow for Multiple Override Times (with AJAX Saving)
- Improved: Markdown Extra Compatibility for PHP 7.4+
- Added: Link Override to Show Data with selectable Show Fields
- Added: Language Archive Shortcode (similar to Genre Archive)
- Added: Display Linked Override Date List on Show Pages
- Added: Automatic user showtime conversion and display
- Fixed: Show Schedule sometimes starting on previous week
- Fixed: Current Show highlighting timer interval cycling
- Fixed: Before and After Show classes when no current Show
- Fixed: Shows Data Endpoint 24 Hour Shift Format and Encore Switch
- Fixed: Multiple host separator display in Current Show Widget
- Fixed: Playlist Widget playlist ended label when no next playlist
- Fixed: Conflicting duplicate filter name for Show Avatar
- Fixed: Time conversions where start/finish Show/Override is equal
- Fixed: Show page subarchive lists pagination button arrow display
- Fixed: Show Shifts with same start time overwriting bug
- Update: Plugin Panel (1.1.7) with Image and Color Picker fields & Documentation: Full Plugin Filter List added to docs/
- Added: Stream Format and Fallback/Format selection setting
- Added: Station Image and Station Title for future Player Display
- Added: Station Email Address setting with default display option
- Added: Section order filtering for Master Schedule Views
- Added: Section display filtering for Master Schedule Views
- Added: Section display filtering for Widget sections
- Added: Show image alignment attribute to Schedule Tabs View
- Added: Show Description/Excerpt to Show Data Endpoint (via querystring)
- Added: Reduced opacity for past Shows on Schedule Tab/Table Views
- Added: Screen Reader text for Show icons on Show Page
- Fixed: Display Widget Countdown when no Current Show/Playlist
- Fixed: Check for explicit singular.php template usage setting
- Fixed: Access to Shows Data via querystring of Show ID/name
- Fixed: Shows Data for Genres/Languages querystring of ID/name
- Fixed: Override Display order output for Tab/List Views
- Fixed: Schedule Overrides overlapping multiple Show shifts
- Fixed: Bulk Edit field repetition and possible jQuery conflict
- Fixed: Related Posts check producing error output
- Fixed: WordPress Readme Parser deprecated errors for PHP7
- Update: Freemius SDK (2.4.1)
- Update: Plugin Loader (1.1.6) with phone number and CSV validation
- Added: Station phone number setting with default display option
- Added: Schedule classes for Shows before and after current Show
- Improved: current Show highlighting on Schedule for overnight shifts
- Improved: info section reordering filters on single Show template
- Fixed: Edit permissions checks for Related to Show post assignments
- Fixed: Main Language option value for WordPress Setting
- Fixed: make Date on Tab clickable on Tabbed Schedule View
- Fixed: prevent possible conflicts with changes not saved reload message
- Fixed: do not conflict check Shift against itself for last shift check
- Fixed: link back to Show posts for related Show posts (allow multiple)
- Fixed: filter next/previous post link for (multiple) related Show posts
- Fixed: automatic pages conflict where themes filter the_content early
- Fixed: use schedule based on start_day if specified for Schedule view
- Fixed: day left/right shifting on Schedule table/tab mobile views
- Added: past/today/future filter for Schedule Override List
- Added: filter for Schedule display start day (and to accept today)
- Added: current playlist (if any) to Broadcast Data endpoint
- Improved: auto-match show description to info height on Show pages
- Improved: allow multiple Related Show selection for single post
- Improved: ability to assign Post to relate to multiple Shows
- Added: Related Show Post List column and Quick Edit field
- Added: Related Show selection Bulk Edit Action for Post List
- Added: filters for label texts and title attributes on Show Page
- Added: filter for label text above Show Player (default empty)
- Fixed: improved Current Show and Upcoming Shows calculations
- (Display showtimes when show starts before and ends after midnight)
- Update: Freemius SDK (2.4.0)
- Update: Plugin Loader (1.1.4) with weird isset glitch fix
- Fixed: Current Show for Shows ending at midnight
- Fixed: incorrect AJAX Widget plugin setting value
- Fixed: use pageload data for schedules before transients
- Update: Plugin Loader (1.1.3) with non-strict select match fix
- Improved: width responsiveness for table/tabbed Schedule views
- Improved: show shifts interface background colors
- Added: navigate away from page on shift change check
- Added: default time format option to Widgets
- Removed: current show transients (intermittant unreliability)
- Fixed: AJAX call causing plugin conflicts via save_post action
- Fixed: calculation of Upcoming Shows near end of the week
- Fixed: remove and duplicate actions on new shifts
- Update: Plugin Loader (1.1.2) with settings link fix
- Improved: use plugin timezone setting for all times
- Improved: show shift conflict checker logic
- Added: Radio Clock Widget for user/server time display
- Added: AJAX widget load option (to bypass page caches)
- Added: automated show schedule highlighting (table/tabs/list)
- Added: playlist track arrows for re-ordering tracks
- Added: AJAX save of show shifts and playlist tracks
- Added: post type editing metabox position filtering
- Added: more display attributes to Master Schedule shortcode
- Added: time format filters for time output displays
- Added: javascript user timezone display on Master Schedule
- Fixed: handling of UTC only timezone settings
- Fixed: added check for empty role capabilities
- Fixed: added settings submenu redirection fix
- Fixed: show and override midnight end conflict
- Fixed: calculate next shows at end of schedule week
- Fixed: metaboxes disappearing on position sorting
- Fixed: move tracks marked New to end of Playlist on update
- Fixed: override shift array output showing above schedule
- Fixed: master schedule specify days attribute bug
- Fixed: display real end time of overnight split shifts
- Fixed: master schedule display with days attribute
- Fixed: logic for Affected Shifts in override list
- Fixed: removed auto-tab selection change on tab view resize
- Fixed: Current Show widget schedule/countdown for Overrides
- Fixed: multiple overrides in schedule range variable conflict
- Update: Plugin Loader (1.1.1) with Freemius first path fix
- Fixed: conditions for Schedule Override time calculations
- Fixed: schedule table view - 12 hour format with translations
- Fixed: schedule table view hour column width style
- Fixed: javascript table/tab arrows to prevent default click
- Fixed: undefined index warning when saving show with no shifts
- Fixed: append not echo override date to shortcode archive list
- Fixed: compatibility with multiple the_content calls (Yoast)
- Fixed: reset to showcontinued flag in Schedule (table view)
- Added: option to clear transients on every pageload
- Added: show avatar and featured image URLs to Data API output
- Added: option to ping Netmix directory on show updates
- Added: filters for widget section display order
- Include: Plugin Loader (1.1.0) with plugin options and settings
- Include: Freemius SDK (2.3.0) and Freemius integration
- Feature: assign new Producer role to a Show for Show displays
- Feature: internal Schedule Show Shift Conflict checking
- Feature: Show Shift saving completeness and conflict checking
- Feature: added Data Endpoints API via WordPress REST and Feeds
- Feature: options to set Page and default View for Master Schedule
- Feature: post type Archive Shortcodes and Show-related Shortcodes
- Feature: display Radio Timezone on Master Schedule table view
- Feature: added Show Header image to Shows for single Show display
- Feature: added Show Language Taxonomy to Shows (and Overrides)
- Feature: added Countdown clock for Show and Playlists Widgets
- Improved: new Data Model and Schedule (with Override) Calculation
- Improved: new Show Content Template layout display method
- Improved: new Playlist Content Template layout display method
- Improved: added multiple Genre highlight selection on Master Schedule
- Improved: added Custom Field and Revision support to post types
- Improved: missing output sanitization throughout the plugin
- Improved: added file hierarchy fallbacks for CSS, JS and Templates
- Improved: enqueue conditional scripts inline instead of echoing
- Improved: Master Schedule displays enhancements and styling
- Improved: add Responsiveness to Master Schedule Table and Tab View
- Improved: add View/Edit links for editing custom post types
- Improved: load Datepicker styles locally instead of via Google
- Improved: add debug function for debug display and logging
- Improved: add links from Show Posts back to Show Page
- Improved: added Duplicate Shift button to Show Shift Editing
- Roles: new Show Producer role (same capabilities as DJ / Host)
- Roles: new Show Editor role (edit permissions but not Admin)
- Roles: Changed DJ role Label to DJ / Host (for talk show usage)
- Admin: Added Plugin Settings Admin Page (via Plugin Loader)
- Admin: Added plugin Upgrade / Updated details admin notices
- Admin: Schedule conflict notice and Show conflicts in Shift column
- Admin: Show/Override content indicator columns to Admin Show list
- Admin: Show Description helper text metabox on Show edit screen
- Admin: Fix to restore Admin Bar New/Edit links for plugin post types
- Admin: Store installed version for future updates and announcements
- Disabled: automatic loading of old templates (non theme agnostic)
- Fix to remove strict type checking from in_array (introduced 2.2.6)
- Fix to mismatched flush rewrite rules flag function name
- Fix to undefined index warnings for new Schedule Overrides
- Fix to not 404 author pages for DJs without blog posts
- Fix to implode blog array for Show blog post listing
- Dutch translation added (Thank you to André Dortmont for the file!)
- Added Tabbed Display for Master Schedule Shortcode (via Tutorial)
- Add Show list columns with active, shift, DJs and show image displays
- Add Schedule Override list columns with date sorting and filtering
- Add playlist track information labels to Now Playing Widget
- Added meridiem (am/pm) translations via WP Locale class
- Added star rating link to plugin announcement box
- Added update subscription form to plugin Help page
- Fix to checkbox value saving for On Air/Upcoming Widgets
- Fix 12 hour show time display in Upcoming Widget
- Fix PM 12 hour shot time display in On Air Widget
- Fix to schedule override date picker value visibility
- Fix to weekday and month translations to use WP Locale
- Fix to checkbox value saving in Upcoming Widget
- Split Plugin Admin Functions into separate file
- Split Post Type Admin Functions into separate include
- Revert anonymous function use in widget registrations
- Reorganize master-list shortcode into templates
- Add constant for plugin directory
- Use WP_Query instead of get_posts
- New posts_per_page and tax_query
- Fixes for undefined indexes
- Fixes for raw mysql queries
- Typecasting to support strict comparisons
- WordPress coding standards and best practices (thanks to Mike Garrett @mikengarrett)
- added title position and avatar width options to widgets
- added missing DJ author links as new option to widgets
- cleanup, improve and fix enqueued Widget CSS (on air/upcoming)
- improved to show Encore Presentation in show widget displays
- fix to Show shift Encore Presentation checkbox saving
- added flush rewrite rules on plugin activation/deactivation
- added show_admin_column and show_in_quick_edit for Genres
- added show metadata and schedule value sanitization
- fix to 00 minute validation for Schedule Override
- convert span tags to div tags in Widgets to fix line breaks
- shift main playlist and show metaboxes above editor
- set plugin custom post types editor to Classic Editor
- add high priority to side metaboxes for plugin post types
- added dismissable development changeover admin notice
- added simple Patreon supporter image button and blurb
- added filter for DJ Avatar size on Author page template
- fix to Schedule Override metabox value saving
- fix to Playlist track list items overflowing metabox
- fix to shift up time row on Master Schedule table view
- fix to missing weekday headings in Master Schedule table
- fix to weekday display for Upcoming DJ Widget
- fix to user display labels on select DJ metabox
- fix to file_exists check for DJ on Air stylesheet path
- fix to make DJ multi-select input full metabox width
- fix to expand admin menu when on genre taxonomy page
- fix to expand admin menu when editing plugin post types
- fix to genre submenu item link for current page
- added GitHub URI to plugin header for GitHub updater
- Re-commit all missing files via SVN
- WordPress coding standards refactoring for WP 5 (thanks to Tony Hayes @majick777)
- fixed the protocol in jQuery UI style Google URL
- reprefixed all functions for consistency (radio_station_)
- updated all the widget constructor methods
- merged the menu items into a single main menu
- updated the capability checks for the menu items
- moved the help and export pages to /templates/
- moved all the css files to /css/
- enqeued the djonair css from within the widget
- use plugins_url for all resource URLs
- added $wpdb->prepare to sanitize a query
- added some sanization for metabox save values
- added a week and month translation helper
- added a radio station antenna icon
- Added method for displaying schedule for only a single day (see readme section for the master-schedule shortcode for details).
- Compatibility fix for Wordpress 4.3.x - Updated the widgets to use PHP5 constructors instead of the deprecated PHP4 constructors.
- Catalan translation added (Thank you to Victor Riera for the file!)
- Bug fix - Fixed day of the week language translation issue in master schedule shortcode
- Bug fix - Added some error checking in the sidebar widgets
- New Feature - Added ability to give schedule overrides a featured image
- New Feature - Added built-in help page
- General code cleanup, 4.1 compatibility testing, and changes for better efficiency.
- Bug fix - Fixed issue with early morning shows spanning entire column in the programming grid shortcode
- New Feature - Master programming grid can now be displayed in div format, as well as the original table and list formats.
- Minor revisions to German translation.
- Fixed a bug that was resetting custom-sert role capabilities for the DJ role.
- German translation added (Thank you to Ian Hook for the file!)
- Fixed issue on the master schedule where genres containing more than one work wouldn't highlight when clicked
- Added ability to display DJ names on the master schedule.
- Fixed bug in the Upcoming widget. Override Schedule no longer display as upcoming when they are on-air.
- Verified compatibility woth WordPress 4.0
- Added the ability to display show avatars on the program grid.
- Added the ability to display show description in the now on-air widget and short code.
- Fixed a bug in the master schedule shortcode
- Russian translation added (Thank you to Alexander Esin for the file!)
- Fixed role/capability conflict with WP User Avatar plugin.
- Added the missing leading zero to 24-hour time format on the master schedule.
- Fixed dj_get_current function so that it no longer returns shows that have been moved to the trash.
- Fixed dj_get_next function so that it no longer ignores the "Active" checkbox on a show.
- Added some CSS ids and classes to the master program schedule list format to make it more useful
- Fixed broken upcoming show shortcode.
- Added ability to display DJ names along with the show title in the widgets.
- Fixed the display of schedules for upcoming shows in the widget and shortcode.
- Fixed a bug in the dj_get_next function that was causing it to ignore the beginning of the next week at the end of the current week.
- Fixed scheduling bug in shortcode function
- Master Schedule now displays days starting with the start_of_week option set in the WordPress General Settings panel.
- Fixed issue with shows that have been unplublished still showing up on the master schedule.
- Fixed missing am/pm text on shows that run overnight on the master schedule.
- Fixed an issue with shows that run overnight not spanning the correct number of hours on the second day on the master schedule.
- Fixed problem in Upcoming DJ Widget that wasn't displaying the correct upcoming shift.
- Fixed an issue with some shows displaying in 24 hour time on master schedule grid even though 12-hour time is specified
- Fixed a bug in the On-Air widget that was preventing shows spanning two day from displaying
- Added code to enable theme support for post-thumbnails on the "show" post-type so users don't have to add it to their theme's functions.php file anymore.
- Master Schedule bug for shows that start at midnight and end before the hour is up fixed.
- Compatibility fix: Fixed a jquery conflict in the backend that was occuring in certain themes
- Bug fix: Scheduling issue with overnight shows fixed
- Bug fix: Fixed PHP error in Playlist save function that was triggered during preview
- Bug fix: Fixed PHP notice in playlist template file
- Bug fix: Fixed PHP error in dj-widget shortcode
- Major code reorganization for better future development
- PHP warning fix
- Enabled option to add comments on Shows and Playlists
- Added option to show either single or multiple schedules in the On Air widget
- Minor PHP warning fixes
- Bug fix: Some of the code added in the previous update uses the array_replace() function that is only available in PHP 5.3+. Added a fallback for older PHP versions.
- Added the ability to override the weekly schedule to allow one-off events to be scheduled
- Added a list format option to the master schedule shortcode
- Added Italian translation (it_IT) (thank you to Cristofaro Giuseppe!)
- Fixed some PHP notices that were being generated when there were no playlist entries in the system.
- Added Serbian translation (sr_RS) (thank you to Miodarag Zivkovic!)
- Removed some debug code from one of the template files
- Fixed some localization bugs.
- Added Albanian translation (sq_AL) (thank you to Lorenc!)
- Fixed some localization bugs.
- Added French translation (fr_FR) (a big thank you to Dan over at BuddyPress France.
- Plugin modified to allow for internationalization.
- Spanish translation (es_ES) added.
- Fixed a bug with shows that start at midnight not displaying in the on-air sidebar widget.
- Switched DJ/Show avatars in the widgets to use the featured image of the show instead of gravatar.
- Updated show template to get rid of a PHP warning that appeared if the show had no schedules.
- Fixed some other areas of the code that were generating PHP notices in WordPress 3.6
- Added CSS classes to master program schedule output so CSS rules can be applied to specific shows
- Added new attribute to the list-shows shortcode to allow only specified genres to be displayed
- Fixed master-schedule shortcode bug that was preventing display of 12 hour time
- Compatibility fix for Wordpress 3.6 - fixed problem with giving alternative roles DJ capabilities
- Fixed some areas of the code that were generating PHP notices in WordPress 3.6
- Master schedule shortcode now displays indiviual shows in both 24 and 12 hour time
- Fixed some areas of the code that were generating PHP notices in WordPress 3.6
- Added example of how to display show schedule to single-show.php template
- Added more options to the plugin's widgets
- Added new options to the master-schedule shortcode
- Fixed a bug in the CSS file override from theme directory
- Fixed issue with templates copied to the theme directory not overriding the defaults correctly
- Fixed incorrectly implemented wp_enqueue_styles()
- Removed deprecated escape_attribute() function from the plugin widgets
- Fixed some areas of the code that were generating PHP notices
- Compatibility fix for WordPress 3.6
- Fixed a bug that was preventing sites using a non-default table prefix from seeing the list of DJs on the add/edit show pages
- Changes to fix the incorrect list of available shows on the Add Playlist page
- Removing Add Show links from admin menu for DJs, since they don't have permission to use them anyway.
- Fixed a scheduling bug in the upcoming shows widget
- By popular request, switched the order of artist and song in the now playing widget
- Fixed issue with shows that run overnight not showing up correctly in the sidebar widgets
- Fixed a time display bug in the DJ On-Air sidebar widget
- Fixed a display bug on the master schedule with overnight shows
- By request, added as 24-hour time format option to the master schedule and sidebar widgets.
- Added the ability to assign any user with the edit_shows capability as a DJ, to accomodate custom and edited roles.
- Fixed a bug in the DJ-on-air widget
- Fixed a major bug in the master schedule output
- Fixed some minor compatibility issues with WordPress 3.5
- Fixed Shows icon in Dashboard
- Fixed thumbnail bug in sidebar widgets
- Added new widget to display upcoming shows
- Added pagination options for playlists and show blogs
- Fixed playlist edit screen so that queued songs fall to the bottom of the list to maintain play order
- Reduced the size of the content field in the playlist post type
- Some minor formatting changes to default templates
- Added genre highlighter to the master programming schedule page
- Added a second Update button on the bottom of the playlist edit page for convinience.
- Added sample template for DJ user pages
- Fixed a bug in the master schedule shortcode that messed up the table for shows that are more than two hours in duration
- Fixed a bug in the master schedule shortcode to accomodate shows that run from late night into the following morning.
- Added new field to associate blog posts with shows
- Initial release